Detection and Classification of Vehicles in Ultra-High Resolutions Images Using Neural Networks
The paper proposes a deep neural network architecture based on the integration of the convolutional neural network Faster R-CNN with the Feature Pyramid Network module. Based on this approach, an algorithm for detecting and classifying vehicles in images and a corresponding model have been developed. A cross-platform environment ML.NET was used to train the proposed model. The results of comparing the effectiveness of the proposed approach and convolutional neural networks YOLO v4 and Faster R-CNN are presented. The improvement of the accuracy of detection and localization of different types of vehicles in ultra-high resolutions images is shown. Examples of processing ultra-high resolutions remote sensing images and appropriate recommendations are given.
About the Authors
Ch. ChenChina
A. A. Мinald
R. P. Bohush
G. Ma
Y. Weichen
S. V. Аblameyko
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For citations:
Chen Ch., Мinald A.A., Bohush R.P., Ma G., Weichen Y., Аblameyko S.V. Detection and Classification of Vehicles in Ultra-High Resolutions Images Using Neural Networks. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2022;89(2):275-282. (In Russ.)