Inversion of Aromaticity of NH-Tautomers of the Free Base Corroles in the Lowest Triplet T1 State
We investigated the aromaticity in the lowest triplet T1 state of NH-tautomers of the free base corroles with a different architecture of peripheral substitution using the quantum chemistry methods. It is established that the dominating π-conjugation pathways differ for NH-tautomers, but the dominating π-conjugation pathways in the ground singlet S0 and excited triplet Т1 states for each of two tautomers are the same. It is found that the aromaticity degree of the macrocycle in the triplet Т1 state distinctly decreases compared to the ground S0 state. It is shown that the macrocycle of the free base corroles in the triplet Т1 state should be considered as antiaromatic. Relationships of the aromaticity degree with the macrocycle conformation and electronic effects of peripheral substituents are discussed.
About the Authors
L. L. GladkovBelarus
D. V. Klenitsky
I. V. Vershilovskaya
W. Maes
M. M. Kruk
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For citations:
Gladkov L.L., Klenitsky D.V., Vershilovskaya I.V., Maes W., Kruk M.M. Inversion of Aromaticity of NH-Tautomers of the Free Base Corroles in the Lowest Triplet T1 State. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2022;89(3):323-329. (In Russ.)