Effect of Temperature on the Parameters of Fluorescence Spectra of Solvatocromic Indicator Solutions in Stationary Phases for Gas-Liquid Chromatography
The luminescence spectra of several polarity indicators at temperatures of 20 and 120°C, including previously studied at room temperature Coumarin 153 and coronene and also Nile Red and Pigment Red 179 are registered in solutions of liquid stationary phases of different polarity. The effect of temperature on the spectral parameters sensitive to the polarity of the stationary phases is estimated for the indicators. The prospects for estimating the polarity of stationary liquid phases using luminescent methods at high temperatures are demonstrated.
About the Authors
V. I. BeketovRussian Federation
M. V. Belkov
N. B. Zorov
Russian Federation
S. N. Lanin
Russian Federation
P. N. Nesterenko
Russian Federation
P. P. Pershukevich
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For citations:
Beketov V.I., Belkov M.V., Zorov N.B., Lanin S.N., Nesterenko P.N., Pershukevich P.P. Effect of Temperature on the Parameters of Fluorescence Spectra of Solvatocromic Indicator Solutions in Stationary Phases for Gas-Liquid Chromatography. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2022;89(3):330-335. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.47612/0514-7506-2022-89-3-330-335