Gyrotropy Features of an Imperfect Optically Active 1D Photonic Orientationally Disordered Crystal
The paper is devoted to gyrotropic characteristics of a non-ideal 1D photonic crystal with an arbitrary number of sublattices (of which one is the optically active potassium dithionate K2S2O6) and to their variation due to a random layer substitution in the K2S2O6 sublattice by modeling impurity layers of an orientationally disordered molecular crystal. We adopt a microscopic approach to study the specific (per unit volume) light polarization plane rotation angle in the exciton spectrum region and perform the numerical calculation of the superlattice optical activity dependence on concentrations of impurity layers and of point-like defects (orientationally disordered molecules) which the latter contain.
About the Authors
V. V. RumyantsevUkraine
S. A. Fedorov
K. V. Gumennyk
A. Ye. Rybalka
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For citations:
Rumyantsev V.V., Fedorov S.A., Gumennyk K.V., Rybalka A.Ye. Gyrotropy Features of an Imperfect Optically Active 1D Photonic Orientationally Disordered Crystal. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2022;89(3):354-359. (In Russ.)