Sonoluminescent Spectroscopy in the Determination of the Major Substance of Highly Concentrated Technological Solutions
The dependences of the intensity of sonoluminescence of cesium, lithium and sodium in aqueous solutions of their salts with a concentration of 400—600 g⁄L on the frequency and intensity of ultrasound have been studied. Techniques for the sonoluminescence determination of cesium, lithium and sodium in highly concentrated solutions have been developed on the example of aqueous solutions of nuclear power plants (NPP) salt heat carrier and brines. It is shown that the value of the relative standard deviation of the results of the determination of cesium, lithium and sodium in highly mineralized solutions of their salts decreases with an increase in the frequency of ultrasound initiating sonoluminescence to an ultrasound frequency of 10—12 MHz at an intensity of 20 W⁄cm2. A technique of determining the content of the main substance in solutions of NPP salt heat carrier and brines has been developed. The correctness of the obtained results has been checked by the method of additions, as well as by the analysis of the same samples by alternative methods, namely, gravimetric and atomic absorption spectrometry. The obtained results do not contain significant systematic errors. The possibility of analyzing hot NPP heat carriers up to a temperature of 150 °C has also been shown.
About the Authors
O. I. YurchenkoUkraine
T. V. Chernozhuk
A. N. Baklanov
A. A. Kravchenko
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For citations:
Yurchenko O.I., Chernozhuk T.V., Baklanov A.N., Kravchenko A.A. Sonoluminescent Spectroscopy in the Determination of the Major Substance of Highly Concentrated Technological Solutions. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2022;89(3):400-404. (In Russ.)