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Effect of Nitrogen Doping on the Structural and Optical Properties of Zn2GeO4 Phosphors


Nitrogen-doped Zn2GeO4 (ZGO:N) phosphors were synthesized using a chemical hydrothermal approach. The influence of nitrogen doping on the structural and optical properties of ZGO phosphors was investigated. Results indicated that N ions substituted for O ions successfully and N doping expanded throughout the unit cell of the crystal host lattice. We observed a slight blue-shift in bandgap energy, which signified the weak quantum confinement of the prepared ZGO nanoparticles. At a 260-nm excitation wavelength, compared with the photoluminescence (PL) spectrum of the ZGO phosphors, the peak position of emission  of the N-doped ZGO phosphors blue shifted. In the vibrational modes of ZGO owing to N incorporation,  H substituted at the O site, subsequently causing passivation in ZGO:N nanoparticles. The concentration  of N ions in ZGO:N played important roles in the evolution of PL intensity and quality of nanocrystals. This result contributed to the optimization of nitrogen-doped phosphors with 5 mol% content. The possible luminescence mechanism of ZGO:N phosphors was also discussed.

About the Authors

N. M. C. H. Lan
Advanced Institute for Science and Technology (AIST), Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST)
Viet Nam


D. V. Tuan
Advanced Institute for Science and Technology (AIST), Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST)
Viet Nam


T. Q. Tuan
Advanced Institute for Science and Technology (AIST), Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST)
Viet Nam


N. D. Kien
Advanced Institute for Science and Technology (AIST), Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST)
Viet Nam


C. X. Thang
Advanced Institute for Science and Technology (AIST), Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST)
Viet Nam


N. V. Tung
Institute of Science and Technology, Ministry of Public Security
Viet Nam


N. T. Giang
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Materials, Hanoi University of Civil Engineering
Viet Nam



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For citations:

Lan N.C., Tuan D.V., Tuan T.Q., Kien N.D., Thang C.X., Tung N.V., Giang N.T. Effect of Nitrogen Doping on the Structural and Optical Properties of Zn2GeO4 Phosphors. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2022;89(4):485-490.

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