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Control of Laser Processing of Structural Materials Using Thermal Imaging and Spectral Technolog


The possibilities of thermal imaging and spectral technology in organization of the control of laser technological processes of high-temperature modification of structural materials are analyzed. It is shown that the application of thermal imaging technology is reasonable when adjusting these processes. For continuous control it is more perspective to apply small spectral technique. Solutions are proposed that allow continuous monitoring on the basis of determination of two parameters: the effective heating temperature Te of the treated surface in the area of influence of laser radiation and parameter a associated with the effective heating area. It is shown that introduction of small-sized spectral devices for continuous monitoring into the feedback loop of the control system for laser set-ups is promising. 

About the Authors

V. A. Firago
Belarusian State University


O. G. Devoino
Belarusian National Technical University


A. S. Lapkovsky
Belarusian National Technical University


A. N. Sobchuk
B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus



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For citations:

Firago V.A., Devoino O.G., Lapkovsky A.S., Sobchuk A.N. Control of Laser Processing of Structural Materials Using Thermal Imaging and Spectral Technolog. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2022;89(4):568-579. (In Russ.)

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