
Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii

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The results of investigating electrical, power and spectral radiation properties of an experimental three-electrode xenon flash lamp are presented. The lamp was operated at high-pressure in the regimes close to the maximum spectral brightness limit of xenon emission. It was shown that in the regime of saturated brightness (the black-body temperature in the visible spectral range ~30000 К) the radiation of the pulsed discharge in xenon differs significantly from the radiation of an absolutely black body: the maximum black-body temperatures were 24000 and 19000 K for UV and near IR ranges, respectively. The relative portion of UV radiation in the lamp emission spectrum is more than 50%, which allows to consider such lamps as promising broadband radiation sources of high spectral brightness for many actual practical applications.

About the Authors

A. S. Kamrukov
Bauman Moscow State Technic University (National Sceintific University)
Russian Federation

S. G. Kireev
Scientific-Production Enterprise “Melitta”
Russian Federation

N. P. Kozlov
Bauman Moscow State Technic University (National Sceintific University)
Russian Federation

S. G. Shashkovskii
Scientific-Production Enterprise “Melitta”
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Kamrukov A.S., Kireev S.G., Kozlov N.P., Shashkovskii S.G. ENERGETIC AND RADIATIVE CHARACTERISTICS oF A PULSE SHORT-ARC XENON LAMP IN THE REGIMES OF “SATURATED” LIGHT BRIGHTNESS. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2017;84(4):635-642. (In Russ.)

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