MID-IR Range Quantum Cascade Lasers in Compact Optoacoustic Gas Analyzers
The choice of the generation modes of quantum cascade lasers for optical-acoustic sensors of methane and ammonia is substantiated and the tuning and output characteristics of these lasers depending on the current and temperature are given. The results of experiments on studying the concentration sensitivity of working samples of devices developed on the basis of these lasers and ready for testing are presented. It is shown that the linear dynamic range of methane concentration measurement using the optoacoustic gas analyzer under study was approximately four decades: from ~0.3 to ~2000–3000 ppm CH4.
About the Authors
D. B. KolkerRussian Federation
I. V. Sherstov
Russian Federation
A. A. Boiko
Russian Federation
N. Yu. Kostyukova
Russian Federation
E. Yu. Erushin
Russian Federation
A. V. Pavluck
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Kolker D.B., Sherstov I.V., Boiko A.A., Kostyukova N.Yu., Erushin E.Yu., Pavluck A.V. MID-IR Range Quantum Cascade Lasers in Compact Optoacoustic Gas Analyzers. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2022;89(4):580-586. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.47612/0514-7506-2022-89-4-580-586