
Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii

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A scheme of the multi-channel continuous scan Fourier spectrometer is proposed for simultaneous recording and analysis of the spectral characteristics of several objects. The scheme is realized using a multi-probe fiber in which several optical fibers are connected in one optical connector and fixed in the output of an interferometer. The Fourier spectrometer is used as a sygnal modulator. Еach fiber is individually mated with the studied sample and its own radiation detector. For the developed system, the spectrometer aperture is calculated from the condition of the minimum spectral resolution and parameters of the optical fibers. With the help of the proposed scheme, the emission spectra of a gas-discharge neon lamp have been recorded using a single fiber with a diameter of 1 mm and a numerical aperture NA = 0.22.

About the Authors

A. A. Balashov
Scientific and Technological Center of Unique Instrumentation, Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

V. A. Vaguine
Scientific and Technological Center of Unique Instrumentation, Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

Il. S. Golyak
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Russian Federation

A. N. Morozov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Russian Federation

A. I. Khorokhorin
Scientific and Technological Center of Unique Instrumentation, Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Balashov A.A., Vaguine V.A., Golyak I.S., Morozov A.N., Khorokhorin A.I. MULTICHANNEL DYNAMIC IR FOURIER-SPECTROMETER. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2017;84(4):643-647. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0514-7506 (Print)