It is shown that for reliable operation of laser diode matrices, it is important to ensure the maximum allowable, but not leading to their destruction, current input and output rate. Some of the solutions used in the design of laser diode drivers are listed in order to limit the increase in the rate of current input and output. A method for controlling the rate of rise of the laser emitter current is proposed, the essence of which is to form the leading and trailing edges of the output current of the laser driver so that its first and, at least, the second derivative are continuous, in order to avoid triggering internal mechanisms that lead to degradation of the emitter structure.
About the Author
E. V. SmolinaRussian Federation
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For citations:
Smolina E.V. MULTIELEMENT LASER’S PUMP CURRENT FRONT SHAPING METHOD. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2022;89(5):709-713. (In Russ.)