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Photoexcitation and photoluminescence spectra of b-Ga2O3 thin films obtained by high-frequency ion-plasmous sputtering in an argon atmosphere were investigated. Luminescence spectra were factorized on ultimate constituents using Alentsev-Fock method. The nature of the two intense bands with maxima at 2.95 and 3.14 eV, as well as two low-intensity bands with maxima at 3.90 and 4.25 eV was discussed. The intense bands were attributed to the associate originating due to the interaction of oxygen and gallium vacancies, low-intensity bands were associated with the recombination of excitons in quantum wells formed by the acceptor clusters. It was found that the damping time constant for the band with a maximum of 3.14 eV is 105 μs, and for the band with a maximum of 2.95 eV - 114 μs. The proximity of the decay time constants of these bands confirms their relationship with the common associate.

About the Authors

O. M. Bordun
Ivan Franko L’viv National University
Russian Federation

B. O. Bordun
Ivan Franko L’viv National University
Russian Federation

I. Yo. Kukharskyy
Ivan Franko L’viv National University
Russian Federation

I. I. Medvid
Ivan Franko L’viv National University
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Bordun O.M., Bordun B.O., Kukharskyy I.Y., Medvid I.I. PHOTOLUMINESCENCE PROPERTIES OF b-Ga2O3 THIN FILMS PRODUCED BY ION-PLASMA SPUTTERING. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2017;84(1):56-62. (In Russ.)

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