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The dependences of single-crystal YAG:0.5 %Er3+ spectra in the range 200-1700 nm and the kinetics of the integrated emission on the excitation energy density W of a single CO2 laser pulse of ~100 ns FWHM duration at lex = 10.6 µm were experimentally investigated. The spectra qualitatively changed when W exceeded the threshold of emergence of the laser plasma Wt near the surface of monocrystals. At W < Wt, the spectra of YAG:0.5% Er3+ were represented by peaks of the selective emission (SE) of Er3+ multiplets on the pedestal of the continuous spectrum. New emission peaks and an additional pedestal corresponding to the emission spectra in a laser-induced air plasma with intensities much higher than the SE peaks appeared due to the air ionization near the crystal surface at W > Wt. The shape of the oscillograms of the integral emission in the range 600-1700 nm was characterized by a front duration of pulses τf = 1.0-1.6 µs and a decay time of 2.5 µs when W changes by one order. The kinetics of the integrated emission intensity was explained by calculations of the single-crystal temperature and the population of Er3+ energy levels in the conversion of thermal energy into the SE during unsteady energy transfer by internal radiation and thermal conductivity.

About the Authors

V. M. Marchenko
A. M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

M. A. Melkumov
Fiber Optics Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

Yu. A. Shakir
A. M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Marchenko V.M., Melkumov M.A., Shakir Yu.A. SPECTRA AND KINETICS OF YAG:0.5%Er3+ RADIATION UNDER PULSED LASER THERMAL EXCITATION. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2017;84(5):691-696. (In Russ.)

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