Processes of Precursor Synthesis for the Production of CuAlO2 Type Nanoceramics Under the Influence of Double Laser Pulses on AD1 and M2 Alloys in the Air Atmosphere
The influence of energy and pulse interval, the number of double laser pulses on the purposeful formation of the component and charge composition of laser plasma by laser spark spectrometry (LSS-1 spectrometer) has been studied. The processes of formation of mixed nanopowders of copper and aluminum oxides, precursors for the irradiation of nanoceramics and films of CuAlO2-type copper aluminates under the influence of double laser pulses on a hybrid target consisting of glued aluminum and copper plates made of AD1 and M2 alloys were studied. It is shown that the sequential effect of a series of double laser pulses with the energy of 53 mJ and between the pulse interval of 10 microseconds on a hybrid target makes it possible to obtain precursors for the production of nanoceramics and nanofilms of CuAlO2-type copper aluminates. To obtain the products formed by the interaction of aluminum and copper ions with oxygen in the air, a closed glass bux was used, where the target was placed. The size of the primary particles, estimated using high-resolution electron microscopy, was mainly from 30 to 45 nm, the particles were collected in agglomerates. The particles have a crystalline structure and a spherical shape. The size and number of fractal aggregates deposited on the substrate placed at the bottom of the cuvette is several times higher than the number of products deposited on the side substrate due to the purely diffusion mechanism of fractal transfer. The main contribution to the change in the intensity of the spectral lines of atoms and ions of Al, Cu, and molecular bands of AlO is made by the interaction of the second pulse with condensation products formed in the channel after the first pulse exposure. With an increase in the number of long-lived fractal aggregates in the air, the intensity of molecular bands and lines of Al III decreases by about 1.5 times, and copper by almost two times, which is associated with the active interaction of long-lived large fractals accumulating in the air with incident radiation.
About the Authors
E. S. VoropayBelarus
N. A. Alekseenko
M. N. Kovalenko
L. V. Markova
A. P. Zazhogin
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For citations:
Voropay E.S., Alekseenko N.A., Kovalenko M.N., Markova L.V., Zazhogin A.P. Processes of Precursor Synthesis for the Production of CuAlO2 Type Nanoceramics Under the Influence of Double Laser Pulses on AD1 and M2 Alloys in the Air Atmosphere. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2023;90(2):275-286. (In Russ.)