Spatio-Temporal Correlations of Photons from a Pseudo-Thermal Source
On the basis of algorithms that take into account the features of a high-speed time-resolving matrix of single photon detectors, the spatio-temporal correlation properties of a pseudo-thermal light source with nanoand microsecond time resolution are studied. It is shown that the change in the degree of coherence of the second order of radiation scattered on a rotating disk with irregularities of different scales can be represented universally using a nonlinear hyperbolic mapping. Based on the presented method, the change in correlations during the transition of the generated photon flux from coherent to pseudo-thermal is studied.
About the Authors
V. S. StarovoitovBelarus
V. N. Chizhevsky
D. B. Horoshko
S. Ya. Kilin
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For citations:
Starovoitov V.S., Chizhevsky V.N., Horoshko D.B., Kilin S.Ya. Spatio-Temporal Correlations of Photons from a Pseudo-Thermal Source. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2023;90(2):287-298. (In Russ.)