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Optical Response of a Composite System “Monolayer of Spherical Particles in an Absorbing Matrix” at Normal Incidence of Plane Wave
The equations are derived to describe scattering and absorption of light by a normally illuminated monolayer of identical spherical particles in a homogeneous light-absorbing medium (matrix). They are based on the quasicrystalline approximation, mean-field approximation, and multipole expansion of fields and tensor Green’s function in terms of vector spherical wave functions. The results are presented of numerical analysis of the coefficients of coherent transmission and reflection, incoherent scattering, and absorption of composite systems (a monolayer of gold (Au) nanoparticles in fullerene (C60) matrix and a monolayer of silver (Ag) nanoparticles in copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) matrix) in visible spectrum at different concentrations and sizes of particles. The comparison is made of the dependences of the wavelength of the absorption plasmon resonance maximum on the filling factor of the partially ordered monolayer, calculated with (in the quasicrystalline approximation) and without (in the interference approximation) taking into account multiple scattering of waves. The calculation results are in qualitative agreement with the know experimental data on the red-shift of the resonance with increasing in the monolayer filling factor. The derived equations can be used in solving problems of thin-film optics, developing photonic and optoelectronic devices containing absorbing matrices.
About the Authors
N. A. LoikoBelarus
A. A. Miskevich
V. A. Loiko
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For citations:
Loiko N.A., Miskevich A.A., Loiko V.A. Optical Response of a Composite System “Monolayer of Spherical Particles in an Absorbing Matrix” at Normal Incidence of Plane Wave. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2023;90(2):299-309. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.47612/0514-7506-2023-90-2-299-309