Interplay between Self-Focusing and Self-Compression of Elliptical q-Gaussian Laser Pulse Interacting with Axially Inhomogeneous Plasma
A theoretical investigation of spatiotemporal dynamics of an intense laser pulse with a q-Gaussian spatial irradiance profile interacting with collisionless plasma has been presented. In particular, the dynamics of pulse width and beam widths of the laser pulse have been investigated in detail. Using variational theory, nonlinear partial differential equation governing the evolution of the pulse envelope has been reduced to a set of coupled ordinary differential equations for the pulse width and beam widths of the laser pulse. The differential equations thus obtained have been solved numerically to envision the interplay between self-focusing and self-compression of the laser pulse.
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For citations:
Gupta N. Interplay between Self-Focusing and Self-Compression of Elliptical q-Gaussian Laser Pulse Interacting with Axially Inhomogeneous Plasma. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2023;90(3):527-1-527-9.