Localization of a Dielectric Spherical Nanoparticle under the Action of a Gradient Force in an Interference Field Formed by the Superposition of Oncoming Laser Beams
The gradient component of the light pressure force acting on a spherical dielectric nanoparticle located in an interference field formed by the superposition of oncoming laser beams is studied in detail. A theoretical analysis of the qualitative behavior of solutions to the basic dynamics equation for the motion of a transparent spherical nanoparticle in a spatially modulated laser beam under the action of a gradient force is carried out. It has been experimentally shown that forces capable of driving nanoscale particles in liquid media arise in the interference field of two plane counter-electromagnetic waves. The experimental results agree with the theoretical results.
About the Authors
A. Ch. SvistunBelarus
E. V. Musafirov
L. S. Gaida
E. V. Matuk
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For citations:
Svistun A.Ch., Musafirov E.V., Gaida L.S., Matuk E.V. Localization of a Dielectric Spherical Nanoparticle under the Action of a Gradient Force in an Interference Field Formed by the Superposition of Oncoming Laser Beams. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2023;90(4):599-605. (In Russ.)