Heavy Metals Content in the Soil Cover Measured by Spectral Analysis
In order to monitor the level of environmental safety, the content of heavy metals in the soil cover of Bishkek was measured. To study test samples containing heavy metals, the method of atomic emission spectral analysis was used. The quantitative analysis of the samples was carried out in the plasma flow of a DGP-50M two-jet plasmatron. Sampling was carried out on the basis of zoning of the urban area, taking into account emissions from thermal power plants, vehicles, and the residential area of the city. In samples taken at three sites in Bishkek in summer and winter, the content of 8 elements of the group of heavy metals was determined. The content of heavy metals in samples did not exceed the environmental standards established by the parameters of the maximum permissible concentration and the maximum permissible excess.
About the Authors
N. J. JeenbaevKyrgyzstan
A. Chylymov
R. A. Tashtanov
G. D. Dorjueva
R. K. Gulza
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For citations:
Jeenbaev N.J., Chylymov A., Tashtanov R.A., Dorjueva G.D., Gulza R.K. Heavy Metals Content in the Soil Cover Measured by Spectral Analysis. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2023;90(4):622-626. (In Russ.)