Algorithm for Processing Lidar Sensing Data of Ozone in the Atmosphere
The algorithm for processing lidar sensing data at wavelengths of 299/341 nm for a vertical atmospheric sensing trace with spatial resolution of 1.5—150 m has been developed and implemented. The program includes the main functions: recording the data of lidar sensing of the atmosphere, converting the dat binary file format to the text txt format, retrieval of ozone concentration profiles. The software package developed on the basis of the created algorithm for processing lidar sensing data allows one to obtain ozone concentration profiles from 4 to 20 km. The data recording units for lidar sensing of the atmosphere and retrieval of ozone concentration profiles provide visual monitoring of recorded echo signals and retrieved ozone concentration profiles. An example of retrieving the ozone concentration profile from lidar data is given.
About the Authors
A. A. NevzorovRussian Federation
A. V. Nevzorov
Russian Federation
A. I. Nadeev
Russian Federation
N. G. Zaitsev
Russian Federation
Ya. O. Romanovskii
Russian Federation
O. V. Kharchenko
Russian Federation
N. S. Kravtsova
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Nevzorov A.A., Nevzorov A.V., Nadeev A.I., Zaitsev N.G., Romanovskii Ya.O., Kharchenko O.V., Kravtsova N.S. Algorithm for Processing Lidar Sensing Data of Ozone in the Atmosphere. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2023;90(4):627-634. (In Russ.)