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An effective spectroscopic method for estimating the degree of filling (porosity) of polymeric materials, the average size and the size distribution of the scattering particles of the filler within the polymer matrix, their anisometry and the degree of orientation is proposed. The obtained spectral data are in good agreement with the results of optical and electron microscopy methods.

About the Authors

P. M. Pakhomov
Tver State University
Russian Federation

S. D. Khizhnyak
Tver State University
Russian Federation

V. E. Sitnikova
Tver State University
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Pakhomov P.M., Khizhnyak S.D., Sitnikova V.E. IR SPECTROSCOPY METHOD FOR THE ANALYZE OF THE POLYMERIC SCATTERING MATERIALS. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2017;84(5):780-785. (In Russ.)

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