Influence of Synthesis Conditions and Composition of Silica Gel-Glasseson the 4I13/2→4I15/2 Luminescence Bandwidth of Er3+ Ions
The luminescence of Er3+ ions in silica glasses synthesized by the method of direct sol-gel-glass transition and by melting of activated gel grit using various precursors of optical centers has been studied. It was found that one of the ways to essentially increase the half-width of the luminescence band 4I13/2→4I15/2 of these ions is the formation of complex centers including erbium, aluminum, and alkali metal ions.
About the Authors
G. E. MalashkevichBelarus
V. V. Kouhar
N. V. Varapay
T. A. Pavich
G. P. Shevchenko
Yu. V. Bokshits
K. N. Nishchev
Z. M. Kazakbaeva
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For citations:
Malashkevich G.E., Kouhar V.V., Varapay N.V., Pavich T.A., Shevchenko G.P., Bokshits Yu.V., Nishchev K.N., Kazakbaeva Z.M. Influence of Synthesis Conditions and Composition of Silica Gel-Glasseson the 4I13/2→4I15/2 Luminescence Bandwidth of Er3+ Ions. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2023;90(5):684-688. (In Russ.)