Effect of the Spectral Composition of LED Artificial Lighting Sources on the Functional Activity of the Photosynthetic Apparatus of Basil Leaves
The influence of six experimental light sources (lamps) based on LEDs with different emission spectra, simulating optical radiation close to solar radiation, on the photochemical activity of photosystems (PS) of leaves of purple basil, as well as on the redox state of the P700 reaction center, has been studied. The studied spectra differ in the distribution of photon flux over the main emission spectrum ranges, correlated color temperature (CCT) and general color rendering index (Ra). As a result of a comparative analysis of PAM fluorometry parameters, spectral regions have been identified that ensure more efficient photosynthetic processes in the leaf cells of basil plants at the stages of technical ripeness and flowering. In particular, basil plants grown on a spectrum with a CCT of 5260 K and Ra 98 have a fairly low F0 level, one of the highest Fv/Fm ratios, characteristic of plants under non-stressful conditions, one of the highest quantum yields of both PS Y(I) and Y(II), as well as high electron flow rates. The spectra with CCT 4550 K, Ra 91, CCT 2820 K, Ra 81 also look promising in terms of PAM fluorimetry parameters. The spectrum with CCT 2990 K and Ra 97 has the worst performance in terms of the studied PSI and PSII parameters.
About the Authors
E. M. KabacheuskayaBelarus
S. V. Sukhoveeva
Yu. V. Trofimov
M. I. Barkun
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For citations:
Kabacheuskaya E.M., Sukhoveeva S.V., Trofimov Yu.V., Barkun M.I. Effect of the Spectral Composition of LED Artificial Lighting Sources on the Functional Activity of the Photosynthetic Apparatus of Basil Leaves. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2023;90(6):910-916. (In Russ.)