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Filtering and Conversion of Information in Echo-Holography


The filtering of optical signals and the transformation of information using a stimulated echo hologram in the presence of external spatially inhomogeneous electric fields in the case when it is excited using an object laser pulse carrying information and a pulse acting as a frequency filter are considered. It is shown that the reproducibility of information embedded in the temporal form of an object laser pulse depends on the duration, amplitude, area of exciting pulses, and magnitudes of gradients of external spatially inhomogeneous electric fields. Varying the magnitudes of gradients of external spatially inhomogeneous electric fields makes it possible to control the efficiency of conversion and filtering of information recorded in a stimulated echo hologram, which can be used to create an echo holographic processor.

About the Authors

G. I. Garnaeva
Kazan Federal University
Russian Federation

Department of Physics


A. O. Andreev
Kazan Federal University
Russian Federation

Department of Physics



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For citations:

Garnaeva G.I., Andreev A.O. Filtering and Conversion of Information in Echo-Holography. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2023;90(6):926-931. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0514-7506 (Print)