Photophysical Processes in Indole Molecules in Ethanol at 77 K Upon Excitation at the Long Wavelength Edge of the Absorption Spectrum
The dependence of the luminescence spectra of an indole solution in ethanol at 77 K on the excitation wavelength has been studied. A decrease in the ratio of the intensities of phosphorescence and fluorescence has been found upon excitation of indole molecules at the long-wavelength edge of the absorption spectrum. It has been found that this effect is associated with a decrease in the ratio of the quantum yields of the intercombination conversion and fluorescence. It is concluded that the contribution of 1La level to the processes of relaxation of the excited singlet state increases. The lifetime of triplet states does not depend on the wavelength of the exciting radiation.
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For citations:
Sukhodola A.A. Photophysical Processes in Indole Molecules in Ethanol at 77 K Upon Excitation at the Long Wavelength Edge of the Absorption Spectrum. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2023;90(5):754-759. (In Russ.)