Photoelectric Characteristics of SiC/Si Hetero-Structures
Epitaxial SiC layers 80 nm thick on Si were grown by molecular beam epitaxy at 950°C. The Raman spectra have a peak at 793 cm–1, which corresponds to the transverse optical phonon mode of the cubic SiC polytype. It is shown that the increase in photocurrent in the ranges of 1.25—1.4 and 1.5—2.0 eV is associated with defects in the SiC/Si heterostructure. It has been found that the photoluminescence spectra of the SiC/Si heterostructures and the Pt2Si/SiC/Si structure contain two main emission bands in the blue (2.8 eV) and red (1.9 eV) spectral regions.
About the Authors
M. V. LobanokBelarus
M. V. Palonski
P. I. Gaiduk
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For citations:
Lobanok M.V., Palonski M.V., Gaiduk P.I. Photoelectric Characteristics of SiC/Si Hetero-Structures. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2023;90(5):775-779. (In Russ.)