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LIBS Hydrogen Isotopes Detection: Significance in Nuclear/Fusion Technology
The aspect of the detection of hydrogen isotopes in nuclear materials was analyzed in this review. Particular attention was paid to the spectroscopic methods for the detection of hydrogen isotopes in fusion reactor materials since their presence can induce severe problems in terms of material degradation and shortening of its lifetime. The main focus is on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, an optical emission method that is efficient, reliable, and fast. Recent results obtained at the VINCA Institute will also be presented.
About the Authors
M. TrticaSerbia
J. Savovic
M. Kuzmanovic
Faculty of Physical Chemistry
D. Rankovic
Faculty of Physical Chemistry
J. Stasic
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For citations:
Trtica M., Savovic J., Kuzmanovic M., Rankovic D., Stasic J. LIBS Hydrogen Isotopes Detection: Significance in Nuclear/Fusion Technology. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2023;90(6):964.