Luminescence of Sm3+ Ions Sensitized by the TiО2 Matrix
Ti1–xSmxO2–x/2 (x = 0.025, 0.05, and 0.1) solid solutions with anatase structure were synthesized by the precursor method and characterized by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. Titanium glycolate Ti(OCH2CH2O)2, in which Ti was partially replaced by Sm, was used as a precursor. At room temperature upon 350 nm excitation, solid solutions Ti1–xSmxO2–x/2 exhibit intense reddish-orange luminescence. The luminescence properties of compounds were studied based on the f5 -intraconfigurational transitions of samarium. For Ti1–xSmxO2–x/2, the highest luminescence intensity is achieved at x = 0.05. The chromaticity coordinates and the correlated color temperature values are close to those that are typical for red phosphors.
About the Authors
I. V. BaklanovaRussian Federation
V. N. Krasil’nikov
Russian Federation
A. P. Tyutyunnik
Russian Federation
Ya. P. Baklanova
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Baklanova I.V., Krasil’nikov V.N., Tyutyunnik A.P., Baklanova Ya.P. Luminescence of Sm3+ Ions Sensitized by the TiО2 Matrix. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2024;91(1):15-21. (In Russ.)