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Effect of Spheroidal Magnetized Nanoparticles on the Luminescence of Quantum Dots


A spectral model of luminescence of a two-component exciton-activated quantum dot (QD)-spheroidal plasmon nanoparticle (NP) in a homogeneous external magnetic field is constructed. The model is constructed in the approximation of the tensor of the dipole electric polarizability of the nanoparticle, taking into account the dissipation of the excitation energy in the NP. A tensor representation of the permittivity of a magnetized electron plasma of a metal responsible for the formation of electric field characteristics in a spheroid is used. It is established that with a change in the eccentricity of the spheroid, the luminescence spectrum of the system changes, reflecting, among other things, the effect of an external magnetic field on both the radiation and dissipative properties of the binary QD-NP complex.

About the Authors

M. G. Kucherenko
Center of Laser and Information Biophysics of the Orenburg State University
Russian Federation


V. M. Nalbandyan
Center of Laser and Information Biophysics of the Orenburg State University
Russian Federation



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For citations:

Kucherenko M.G., Nalbandyan V.M. Effect of Spheroidal Magnetized Nanoparticles on the Luminescence of Quantum Dots. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2024;91(1):39-47. (In Russ.)

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