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Application of Optical Spectroscopy for the Analysis of Physiological Characteristics and Elemental Composition of the Lichen Genus Hypogymnia with a Different Degree of Anthropotolerance


The main physiological and biochemical characteristics and elemental composition of three lichens species of the genus Hypogymnia (Nyl.) Nyl. in one habitat were studied using the methods of spectroscopy. The model species by decreasing degree of anthropotolerance rate in the following order: Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl.®H. tubulosa (Schaer.) Hav.®H. vittata (Ach.) Parrique. The contents of chlorophylls a and b, phenolic compounds, pheophytinization quotient and antiradical activity were determined by a spectrophotometric method. The antioxidant activity was determined by an amperometric method. The values of physiological and biochemical parameters for each of the three species correspond to the values for the background ecotopes. In species with low degree of anthropotolerance, the values of these parameters and the integrity of the system of correlation relationships between parameters are lower. Using the method of ICP-AES, 23 elements were found in the thalli of model species. Among them are macro- and microelements, heavy metals and metalloids. The maximum concentrations of most elements were found in H. vittata, while the minimum concentrations were found in H. physodes. The analysis of interaction between physiological and biochemical characteristics and the content of elements indicates the presence of a complex system of correlation relationships in each species. Differences in this system of relationships may be due to the specific composition of secondary metabolites, which determine the features of adaptive reactions. The use of various methods of optical spectroscopy allowed to evaluate not only the functional specificity of the studied species, but also its connection with the level of their anthropotolerance. Low resistance to anthropogenic influences is combined with lower coordination of physiological and biochemical characteristics and low integrity of the system of correlational relationships. In the most vulnerable species of H. vittata, minimal values of the main functional parameters, their lesser correlation with the elemental composition and higher concentrations of some toxic elements were found. For bioindication and ecological physiology of lichen, it is crucial to use a complex analysis of physiological and biochemical characteristics and elemental composition by application of various spectral methods.

About the Authors

A. F. Meysurova
Tver State University
Russian Federation


A. A. Notov
Tver State University
Russian Federation


A. V. Pungin
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
Russian Federation


L. N. Skrypnik
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
Russian Federation



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For citations:

Meysurova A.F., Notov A.A., Pungin A.V., Skrypnik L.N. Application of Optical Spectroscopy for the Analysis of Physiological Characteristics and Elemental Composition of the Lichen Genus Hypogymnia with a Different Degree of Anthropotolerance. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2024;91(1):74-86. (In Russ.)

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