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In the present study, Tauc-Lorentz and Urbach tail assisted Cody-Lorentz models were intuitively derived, explained, and employed to simulate the imaginary dielectric function of the atomic layer deposited (HfO2)x(ZrO2)1-x in the energy range of 0.7-9.3 eV. A fitting procedure is carried out using the Levenberg-Marquardt method for minimizing mean square errors. Both models support the experimental data derived by vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopic ellipsometry. For a zirconium content of 60 and 75%, a weak absorption profile is observed in the visible region and elaborately explained by the Lorentz oscillator model. In order to calculate the band gap of different compositions, Cody plots and Tauc plots are presented. The results show that the Cody-Lorentz model is more accuracy due to its exponential absorption below the band gap energy and modified density of states.

About the Authors

H. . Shahrokhabadi
K. N. Toosi University of Technology
Russian Federation

A. . Bananej
Laser and Optics Research Institute
Russian Federation

M. . Vaezzadeh
K. N. Toosi University of Technology
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Shahrokhabadi H., Bananej A., Vaezzadeh M. INVESTIGATION OF CODY-LORENTZ AND TAUC-LORENTZ MODELS IN CHARACTERIZING DIELECTRIC FUNCTION OF (HfO2)x(ZrO2)1-x MIXED THIN FILM. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2017;84(5):838(1)-838(8). (In Russ.)

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