Chromogenic Signaling Probes with Different “N, O” Donors for Fe3+ Sensing and Cell Imaging
Iron, as the most prevalent critical trace element in the human body, is crucial for many basic physiological functions and has many environmental applications. Therefore, excellent chemosensors with high sensitivity and good selectivity toward iron are highly desired. Three new fluorescent colorimetric chemosensors (CS1, CS2, and CS3) were synthesized and prepared through a one-step reaction to selectively detect Fe3+ in aqueous media. To effectively coordinate metal ions, the sensors contain rhodamine derivatives with different “N, O” donor atoms. Of these sensors, CS2 and CS3 demonstrated sensing behavior and colorimetric “off-on” sensing for Fe3+ over various biologically important metal ions, rendering good selectivity. Fluorescent imaging was performed to confirm the possibility of applying the sensors in living cells.
About the Authors
M. GengChina
Changchun, Jilin
C. Zhang
Changchun, Jilin
L. Yu
Changchun, Jilin
W. Wang
L. Liu
Zhenjiang, Jiangsu
K. Song
Changchun, Jilin
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For citations:
Geng M., Zhang C., Yu L., Wang W., Liu L., Song K. Chromogenic Signaling Probes with Different “N, O” Donors for Fe3+ Sensing and Cell Imaging. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2024;91(2):315. (In Russ.)