Structural and Optical Properties of Eu3+-Doped Sr3Y2Ge3O12 as an Efficient Red Phosphor for WLED Application
This paper is aimed at investigating the structure and luminescence properties of Sr3Y2Ge3O12 activated by Eu3+ (SYGO:Eu3+), which were synthesized by using the sol-gel method. The synthesis was conducted at 1200°C for 8 h, with an optimal doping concentration of 5 mol% Eu3+. Under near-ultraviolet excitations at 395 nm, SYGO:x mol.% Eu3+ phosphors showed the red emission of Eu3+ (5D0–7F1) at 612 nm, and the photoluminescence intensity was highest at 5 mol.% Eu3+ doping. X-ray diffraction analysis of SYGO materials displays a single-phase structure that belongs to the Ia3d (230) space group. The result showed that the Eu3+ ion substitutes the asymmetrical location in the SYGO host, particularly the Sr2+ position, by calculating the ionic radius. In addition, the investigated red phosphors show high luminescence intensity and deep red emission. Thus, they show application potential as red-emitting phosphor materials in white LEDs under near-ultraviolet excitations.
About the Authors
C. X. ThangViet Nam
N. M. C. H. P. Lan
Viet Nam
P. V. Tuan
Viet Nam
N. T. Giang
Viet Nam
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For citations:
Thang C., Lan N., Tuan P., Giang N. Structural and Optical Properties of Eu3+-Doped Sr3Y2Ge3O12 as an Efficient Red Phosphor for WLED Application. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2024;91(2):319. (In Russ.)