Spectrophotometric Method Using the Derivative for the Determination of the Drug Losartan
A sensitive, easy, and low-cost method used in the determination of pure forms of losartan and mebeverine hydrochloride, also in pharmaceutical preparations with derivative spectrometry using UV–Vis technology. This method depends on measuring the first derivative of the spectrum using zero cross, peak to base line, and peak area. The linear range of concentrations used was equal to 2–14 ppm for losartan, whereas for mebeverine hydrochloride it was equal to 2–16 ppm in a mixture. For losartan, in the presence of mebeverine hydrochloride, 12 ppm by utilizing peak to baseline correlation coefficients 0.9984, 0.9994, and peak area 0.9972, whereas for mebeverine hydrochloride in the presence of losartan, 12 ppm by utilizing peak to fundamental correlation coefficients 0.9952, 0.9966, 0.9957, and peak area 0.9970, 0.9971, 0.9968, 0.9971. The limit of detection for each drug, losartan and mebeverine hydrochloride, is equal to 0.0113 ppm. The accuracy and precision of the method were estimated by calculating relative standard deviation (RSD%) values less than 3% while maintaining a recovery percentage of acceptable value. The proposed method proved effective and efficient at estimating both losartan and mebeverine hydrochloride, in the presence of the other in a mixture of the two without interference, despite the closeness of their spectral absorption peaks. There are no other more accurate methods for estimating the two in a mixture than the proposed method. The proposed method is considered one of the most direct and economical methods that do not require reagents or additional materials for conducting reactions and studying the optimal conditions for those interactions. Thus, it is considered one of the green chemistry techniques that reduce the use of chemicals and reagents in the process of estimating these drugs in a mixture and in a shorter period of time. The proposed method can be used to estimate the different properties in a mixture of the two compounds whose absorption spectra are close.
About the Authors
M. A. MohammedIraq
Department of Chemistry,
University of Baghdad, Baghdad
K. A. Sadiq
Department of Chemistry,
University of Baghdad, Baghdad
E. N. Mezaal
Department of Chemistry,
University of Baghdad, Baghdad
D. F. Hassan
Department of Chemistry,
University of Baghdad, Baghdad
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For citations:
Mohammed M.A., Sadiq K.A., Mezaal E.N., Hassan D.F. Spectrophotometric Method Using the Derivative for the Determination of the Drug Losartan. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2024;91(3):471. (In Russ.)