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Spectroscopic and Thermal Study of the Cyanide-Bridged Heteronuclear Compounds [Cd(NH3)(μ-3-Aminomethylpyridine)M(μ-CN) 4]n (M: Pd(II) or Pt(II))


New cyanide-bridged heteronuclear compounds, [Cd(NH3)(μ-ampy)M(μ-CN)4]n [ampy = 3-aminomethylpyridine, M: Pd(II) or Pt(II) (hereafter abbreviated as Cd-M-ampy)] have been prepared in powder form and investigated by utilizing elemental analysis, vibrational (FT-IR and Raman) spectroscopy, and thermal analysis. In our previous work, we synthesized the [Cd(NH3)(μ-ampy)Ni(μ-CN)4]n compound and determined its crystal structure. The results of thermal analysis and vibrational spectroscopic show that the structural characteristics of Cd-Ni-ampy and Cd-M-ampy [M: Pd(II) or Pt(II)] compounds are analogous to each other. In these compounds, while the sphere of the center of the M(II) ion has a square pyramidal geometry, the coordination sphere of the Cd(II) ion is identified to have a distorted octahedral geometry. While one amine, one ampy, and four cyanide ligands coordinate to the Cd(II) ion, a three-dimensional coordination polymer forms by the coordination of these ligands to the Cd(II) and M(II) ions. Thermal degradation of the compounds occurs in two steps: degradation of ampy and amine ligands and release of the cyanide groups.

About the Authors

D. Karaağaç
Bursa Technical University

Dursun Karaağaç, Department of Physics, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences


G. S. Kürkçüoğlu
Eskişehir Osmangazi University

Güneş Süheyla Kürkçüoğlu, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences



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For citations:

Karaağaç D., Kürkçüoğlu G.S. Spectroscopic and Thermal Study of the Cyanide-Bridged Heteronuclear Compounds [Cd(NH3)(μ-3-Aminomethylpyridine)M(μ-CN) 4]n (M: Pd(II) or Pt(II)). Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2024;91(4):602.

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