Structural, Optical and Electrophysical Properties of La0.13Bi0.87FeO3 Films Obtained by High-Frequency Laser Evaporation in Vacuum
By the method of high-frequency repetitively pulsed f ~ 10–13 kHz laser radiation with a wavelength λ = 1.064 μm and a power density q = 57 MW/cm2 on La0.13Bi0.87FeO3 target at a pressure in the vacuum chamber p = 4.6 Pa nanostructured thin films on a silicon substrate have been obtained. The morphology of thin La0.13Bi0.87FeO3 films was studied using atomic force microscopy. Transmission spectra of La0.13Bi0.87FeO3 films were obtained in the visible, near and mid-IR regions. The electrophysical characteristics of La0.13Bi0.87FeO3/Si structures were analyzed.
About the Authors
M. V. BushinskyBelarus
A. N. Chobot
L. V. Baran
V. V. Malyutina-Bronskaya
B. M. Obradovic
N. M. Sakan
N. A. Bosak
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For citations:
Bushinsky M.V., Chobot A.N., Baran L.V., Malyutina-Bronskaya V.V., Obradovic B.M., Sakan N.M., Bosak N.A. Structural, Optical and Electrophysical Properties of La0.13Bi0.87FeO3 Films Obtained by High-Frequency Laser Evaporation in Vacuum. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2024;91(5):667-674. (In Russ.)