Hybrid Structures Based on Silver Nanoparticles and Polyelectrolytes for Sensitive Fluorescent Solid-Phase Immunoassay
The effect of modification of the surface of polystyrene plates for immunoassay with silver nanoparticles and polyelectrolytes on the fluorescent signal of adsorbed antibodies with fluorescent labels IgG-FITC, IgG-AF488 and IgG-AF647 was studied. The resulting solid phase is characterized by an increased sorption capacity by 30–50 % compared to high-binding polystyrene (Greiner, Austria) and the ability to enhance the fluorescent signal of labels due to the plasmonic effect, which together ensures an increase in fluorescence intensity by 3–15 times, depending on the type of the plate surface, the nature of the polyelectrolyte, the optical and physicochemical properties of the labeled antibodies.
About the Authors
O. S. KulakovichBelarus
A. A. Ramanenka
I. V. Koktysh
Ya. I. Melnikova
V. I. Stsiapura
Minsk; Poland; Warsaw
S. V. Gaponenko
S. A. Maskevich
Chemistry Department
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For citations:
Kulakovich O.S., Ramanenka A.A., Koktysh I.V., Melnikova Ya.I., Stsiapura V.I., Gaponenko S.V., Maskevich S.A. Hybrid Structures Based on Silver Nanoparticles and Polyelectrolytes for Sensitive Fluorescent Solid-Phase Immunoassay. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2024;91(5):691-698. (In Russ.)