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Luminescence of Sr3Y(BO3)3 Activated with Tb3+ and Gd3+


   STACK Family borates are promising compounds for optical applications. Synthesis and luminescence of Sr3Y(BO3)3 borate belonging to the STACK family is described. Trivalent activators Tb3+ and Gd3+ occupy Yttrium sites. Owing to fixed, well-separated positions (Y-Y distance 7.396 Å), a large concentration of Gd3+, as much as 50 % relative to Y, could be accommodated without causing concentration quenching. In the case of Gd3+, both excitation and emission lines arise in f–f transitions. Photoluminescence emission is obtained in UV regions. In the case of Tb3+, concentration quenching was observed above 2 %. Prominent excitation of Tb3+ is in the form of a band arising in f–d type transition, while emission comes from f–f transitions. Emission lifetimes are of the order of milliseconds, typically forbidden f–f transitions.

About the Authors

K. Sharma
Jhulelal Institute of Technology

Khushbu Sharma


R. Nafdey
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management

Renuka Nafdey


S. V. Moharil
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management



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For citations:

Sharma K., Nafdey R., Moharil S.V. Luminescence of Sr3Y(BO3)3 Activated with Tb3+ and Gd3+. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2024;91(5):757.

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