Diffraction and mixing of light waves on a reflection holographic grating in a cubic photorefractive crystal
The patterns of diffraction and mixing of light waves on a phase reflection holographic grating formed in a cubic photorefractive crystal of (001)-cut have been studied. The mechanism of restoration and amplification of an object light wave during counter-propagating two-wave mixing in crystals of 23 and 43m symmetry classes has been analyzed. The conditions of a holographic experiment are considered under which the highest values of the diffraction efficiency of the reflection hologram and the relative intensity of the object wave are achieved. It is shown that the conditions for achieving the highest intensity of the object wave in crystals of symmetry classes 23 and 43m differ significantly, which is due to the influence of natural optical activity inherent in non-centrosymmetric crystals.
About the Author
V. N. NaunykaBelarus
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For citations:
Naunyka V.N. Diffraction and mixing of light waves on a reflection holographic grating in a cubic photorefractive crystal. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2024;91(6):885-893. (In Russ.)