Sum‐frequency generation in the surface layer of a dielectric spheroidal particle: analytical solution
In the generalized Rayleigh–Gans–Debye approximation, the problem of sum-frequency generation by two plane elliptically-polarized waves in a thin optically-nonlinear surface layer of a spheroid-shaped dielectric particle is solved. Formulas for calculating the components of the electric intensity vector of the generated radiation in the far zone were obtained for two cases: the spheroid elongated and compressed along the symmetry axis. The most general form of the nonlinear dielectric susceptibility tensor, containing four non-chiral and three chiral independent components, is considered. A detailed description of methods for integrals calculation over the surface of the spheroid of tensor quantities encountered in problems of nonlinear generation in the surface layers of dielectric particles is given.
About the Authors
V. N. KapshaiBelarus
A. A. Shamyna
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For citations:
Kapshai V.N., Shamyna A.A. Sum‐frequency generation in the surface layer of a dielectric spheroidal particle: analytical solution. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2024;91(6):894-904. (In Russ.)