Synthesis, characterization and optical properties of YAG:Ce,Pr phosphor and influence of Si doping
The study focuses on the synthesis and energy transfer mechanism between the cerium and praseodymium co-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) phosphors. Pure phase YAG:Ce,Pr powders were synthesized using a mixed fuel combustion method at a ~500°C furnace temperature. The luminescence spectra and the effect of the energy transfer mechanism from the Ce3+ to Pr3+ ions in YAG:Ce,Pr were examined. The influence of Si4+ doping in YAG:Ce,Pr phosphors was also studied. The emission intensity of Ce and Pr in YAG is enhanced by 33% with 1mol% Si codoping, without changing the peak wavelength, and it lowered the correlated color temperature.
About the Authors
Manisha UpasaniIndia
Bhavana Butey
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For citations:
Upasani M., Butey B. Synthesis, characterization and optical properties of YAG:Ce,Pr phosphor and influence of Si doping. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2024;91(6):910.