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An improved method for determining the temperature of a laser diode and the thermal resistance of the main elements of an equivalent thermal circuit based on measuring transient temperature-sensitive characteristics of direct voltage at the p-n junction in response to a step-like effect of a heating current pulse is proposed. The individual components and the total thermal resistance of the laser diode were experimentally studied and analyzed, the latter was ~7.4 K/W. It was found that the main contribution to the total thermal resistance is made by the laser crystal layer itself from the p-n junction to the lower plane (~2.8 K/W) and the AlN-switching thermal conductive substrate (~2.6 K/W), for which no further reduction paths are visible. At the same time, it was shown that without significant overheating ΔT < 40 K, a continuous mode of operation is realized with 6 times exceeding the threshold I ≈ 2 A and generation power P ≈ 2.5 W, efficiency ~30 % and differential quantum output η ≈ 60 %. 

About the Authors

A. V. Aladov
Scientific and Technical Center of Microelectronics RAS
Russian Federation

St. Petersburg

A. L. Zakgeim
Scientific and Technical Center of Microelectronics RAS
Russian Federation

St. Petersburg

A. E. Ivanov
Scientific and Technical Center of Microelectronics RAS; Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute RAS
Russian Federation

St. Petersburg

A. E. Chernyakov
Scientific and Technical Center of Microelectronics RAS
Russian Federation

St. Petersburg


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For citations:

Aladov A.V., Zakgeim A.L., Ivanov A.E., Chernyakov A.E. DETERMINATION OF TEMPERATURE AND THERMAL RESISTANCE OF HIGH-POWER AlInGaN LASER DIODES BY FORWARD VOLTAGE RELAXATION METHOD. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2025;92(1):120-125. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0514-7506 (Print)