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The radiation decomposition of water in a nano-ZrO2+nano-SiO2+H2O system at T = 300 K under the action of gamma-radiation is studied by Fourier-transform IR spectroscopy. It is shown, that water adsorption in Zr and Si nanooxides happens by the molecular and dissociative mechanisms. Intermediate active products of the radiation-heterogeneous water decomposition are registered including Zr and Si hydrides, hydroxide groups. It is shown that changes in the ratio of ZrO2 and SiO2 nanopowders result in a decrease of the radiation-catalytic activity comparing to the initial ZrO2.

About the Authors

T. N. Agayev
Institute of Radiation Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan
Russian Federation

N. N. Gadzhieva
Institute of Radiation Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan
Russian Federation

S. Z. Melikova
Institute of Radiation Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Agayev T.N., Gadzhieva N.N., Melikova S.Z. FOURIER-TRANSFORM IR SPECTROSCOPY OF THE NANO-ZrO2+NANO-SiO2+H2O SYSTEMS EXPOSED TO GAMMA-RADIATION. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2018;85(2):351-354. (In Russ.)

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