
Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii

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Luminescence spectra of He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe and Ar-Kr, Ar-Xe, Kr-Xe mixtures in the range of 200-970 nm were investigated under the electron beam excitation with the duration of 5 ns. Distribution of emission intensity over 2p-levels of noble gas atoms was obtained. It was concluded that dissociative recombination of molecular ions of noble gases with electrons was not the main process of population of atomic levels. The intensity of radiation of heteronuclear ionic molecules of noble gases (relatively to the intensity of atomic lines) was significantly lower than in the case of excitation by the ion beam.

About the Authors

Yu. N. Gordienko
National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Russian Federation

M. U. Khasenov
National Laboratory Astana PI
Russian Federation

E. G. Batyrbekov
National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Russian Federation

A. K. Amrenov
National Laboratory Astana PI
Russian Federation

K. K. Samarkhanov
National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Russian Federation

Yu. V. Ponkratov
National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Gordienko Yu.N., Khasenov M.U., Batyrbekov E.G., Amrenov A.K., Samarkhanov K.K., Ponkratov Yu.V. LUMINESCENCE OF NOBLE GASES AND THEIR MIXTURES UNDER NANOSECOND ELECTRON BEAM EXCITATION. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2018;85(4):545-549. (In Russ.)

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