
Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii

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Presented results of chromotographic and IR-spectroscopic researches of diesel fuel samples from Azerbaijan oils. Concentration, radiation-chemical yields of gases after irradiation of samples are established and estimated their radiation stability. Investigated impact of radiation on operational characteristics of diesel fuel in static conditions before and after irradiation.

About the Authors

L. Y. Jabbarova
Institute of Radiation Problems of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

I. I. Mustafayev
Institute of Radiation Problems of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation


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3. И. И. Мустафаев, Л. Ю. Джаббарова, З. О. Набизаде, Н. Э. Ибадов, С. Ф. Ахмедбекова. ХВЭ, 47, № 6 (2013) 449-455

4. И. И. Мустафаев, Л. Ю. Джаббарова, Н. Г. Гулиева, Р. С. Рзаев, С. Ф. Алиева. ФВЭ, 48, № 5 (2014) 315-320

5. К. Наканиси. Инфракрасные спектры и строение органических соединений, пер. с англ., Москва, Мир (1985)

6. Радиационная стойкость органических материалов, Справочник, под ред. В. К. Милинчук, В. И. Тупикова, Москва, Энергоатомиздат (1986)


For citations:

Jabbarova L.Y., Mustafayev I.I. HIGH-TEMPERATURE RADIOLYSIS OF DIESEL FUEL. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2018;85(4):634-638. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0514-7506 (Print)