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Analysis of carbon (C) in soil has been successfully made by laser plasma spectroscopy using a pulsed carbon dioxide (CO2) laser. Fine particles of soil sample were attached on a surface of the metal subtarget by adding a small amount of moisture; the metal was used to initiate the gas plasma. Experimentally, a pulsed laser was focused on the subtarget to induce a luminous plasma. The particles were vaporized and entered the plasma region. Dissociation and excitation happened in the high-temperature plasma region. The result certified that analysis of C in soil can be demonstrated. A further measurement revealed that a calibration curve of C was successfully carried out. The limit of detection of C in the soil was around 23 mg/kg.

About the Authors

A. . Khumaeni
Diponegoro University
Russian Federation

W. S. Budi
Diponegoro University
Russian Federation

A. Y. Wardaya
Diponegoro University
Russian Federation

N. . Idris
Syiah Kuala University
Russian Federation

K. H. Kurniawan
Research Center of Maju Makmur Mandiri
Russian Federation

K. . Kagawa
Fukui Science Academy
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Khumaeni A., Budi W.S., Wardaya A.Y., Idris N., Kurniawan K.H., Kagawa K. LASER PLASMA SPECTROSCOPY USING A PULSED CO2 LASER FOR THE ANALYSIS OF CARBON IN SOIL. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2019;86(1):158(1)-158(4). (In Russ.)

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