
Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii

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We investigated the temperature and phase dependence of the Raman spectra (RS) and the molecular relaxation characteristics of nitrate ion oscillations in the (1 -x )RbNO3 + xAl2O3 composite at different concentrations of Al2O3 nanopowder. It is shown that at the filler concentration x = 0.6 the vibration relaxation time n1(А) in the high-temperature phase of RbNO3-II does not change significantly as compared with the phase of RbNO3-III, which indicates the stabilization of the cubic phase of RbNO3-III. Besides, at high concentrations of the filler the salt subsystem is in a highly disordered state and it is difficult to fix any structurally distinct states at the macro level.

About the Authors

M. M. Gafurov
Analytical Center for Collective Use, Dagestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

K. S. Rabadanov
Analytical Center for Collective Use, Dagestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences; Dagestan State Uneversity
Russian Federation

M. B. Ataev
Analytical Center for Collective Use, Dagestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

M. G. Kakagasanov
Analytical Center for Collective Use, Dagestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences; Kh. I. Amirkhanov Institute of Physics, Dagestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

A. M. Amirov
Analytical Center for Collective Use, Dagestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

Z. Yu. Kubataev
Analytical Center for Collective Use, Dagestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Gafurov M.M., Rabadanov K.S., Ataev M.B., Kakagasanov M.G., Amirov A.M., Kubataev Z.Yu. THE TEMPERATURE AND PHASE DEPENDENCE OF THE SPECTRAL AND MOLECULAR RELAXATION CHARACTERISTICS OF THE (1-x)RbNO3 + xAl2O3 SYSTEM. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2017;84(1):13-18. (In Russ.)

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