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The Sm3+ doped Sr3B2O6 phosphors were synthesized using a solution combustion synthesis method followed by heating of the precursor combustion ash at 1000ºC in air. The synthesized phosphors were characterized by powder XRD. The photoluminescence properties of Sm3+ doped Sr3B2O6 were investigated at room temperature. The photoluminescence spectra at room temperature show the f-f transitions typical for Sm3+ . The emission spectrum of Sr3B2O6:Sm3+ exhibited four sharp emission peaks corresponding to4G5/2®6H5/ 2 (563-572 nm),4G5/2®6H7/ 2 (598-614 nm),4G5/ 2 ®6H9/2 (647-666 nm), and4G5/ 2 ®6H11/ 2 (705 - 714 nm) transitions of Sm3+ . The relation between the charge transfer band of Sm3+ ion and the host composition was discussed.

About the Author

İ. . Pekgözlü
Bartin University
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Pekgözlü İ. A NOVEL REDDISH ORANGE LUMINESCENT MATERIAL Sr3B2O6:Sm3+. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2018;85(6):1014-1017. (In Russ.)

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