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The spectrum of orange and red photoluminescence of copper iodide was divided into four components with λmax ≈ 625–635 (O1), 635–655 nm (O2), 725–735 nm (K1) and 735–755 nm (K2). Such division may be explained by the possible association of the corresponding glow centers (GC) with donor-acceptor pairs (DAP) responsible for CuI edge luminescence. The generation-recombination scheme of red-orange luminescence based on the Auger interaction between the GC and the DAP was developed. It was found that the role of GC for red luminescence of CuI perform their own defects in the form of interstitial copper. It was shown that luminescent characteristics of copper iodide may be controlled by the crystal annealing (in the vapor of iodine, in a vacuum), or by doping with lithium or by saturation of the samples with copper in the process of electrodiffusion.

About the Authors

V. A. Nikitenko
Russian University of Transport (MIIT)
Russian Federation

9 bldg 14, Obraztsova Str., Moscow, 127994

S. M. Kokin
Russian University of Transport (MIIT)
Russian Federation

9 bldg 14, Obraztsova Str., Moscow, 127994

S. G. Stouyhin
Russian University of Transport (MIIT)
Russian Federation

9 bldg 14, Obraztsova Str., Moscow, 127994


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For citations:

Nikitenko V.A., Kokin S.M., Stouyhin S.G. RED-ORANGE LUMINESCENCE OF UNDOPED COPPER IODIDE CRYSTALS IN THE TEMPERATURE RANGE 80—300 K. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2019;86(5):739-745. (In Russ.)

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