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The generation of high-order harmonics and single attosecond pulses via the asymmetric polarization gating technology has been theoretically investigated. It is shown that when the two circularly polarized laser fields are asymmetric in amplitude and phase, not only can the modulations of the harmonic spectrum be decreased, but also the efficiencies of the harmonics can be enhanced. As a result, a super-continuum with the bandwidth of 85 eV, contributed by the single harmonic emission peak and the near-single short quantum path, can be obtained. Finally, through the Fourier transformation of the selected harmonics on this supercontinuum, a near single attosecond pulse with a full width at half maximum of 52 as can be obtained.

About the Authors

H. Liu
School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Liaoning University of Technology
Jinzhou 121000

R. S. Castle
Marmara University

Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering

Istanbul, 34722

A. Y. Z. Feng
School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Liaoning University of Technology, China; Marmara University, Turkey

Jinzhou 121000, China; Marmara University, Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Istanbul, 34722, Turkey


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